We wholeheartedly aim to exceed the following best practices/standards for animal welfare and public health:
* USDA Animal Welfare Act & Regulations
(Blue Book -- see page 82)
*APHIS Animal Exhibitor information
* USDA Exhibitor regulations
* National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians NASPHV (Animal Contact Committee) Compendium
1) The USDA does regulate the care of agricultural exhibit animals, including rabbits.
2) In the State of Minnesota, there is no registration/license process for animal exhibits, even "petting zoos." The Minnesota Dept of Health encourages good hand-washing and following national best practices listed below.
3) In general, rabbits or other small mammals are not at risk for transmitting rabies, therefore they are they vaccinated.
4) We secure necessary permits for all animal exhibits that are not located with the rabbit colony or at our private residences.
5) We have secured agricultural tourism insurance to protect the public, the animals, our equipment and our staff/volunteers.
Source: The following information is provided by AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums):An animal typically experiences good welfare when healthy, comfortable, well-nourished, safe, able to develop and express species-typical relationships, behaviors, and cognitive abilities, and not suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear, or distress. Because physical, mental, and emotional states may be dependent on one another and can vary from day to day, it is important to consider these states in combination with one another over time to provide an assessment of an animal’s overall welfare status.
Understanding specific instinctual behaviors and the ways in which these animals learn allows animal care managers to meet the animal’s husbandry, social, and behavioral needs while providing a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of it’s sensory, cognitive, and physiologic abilities which can be applied to conservation strategies. Read more about Behavior.